Gain complete control of your business with Lean Manufacturing

Digital Lean Boards
Shop floor management
Daily huddle

More value, less work
Lean Manufacturing is a widespread approach that affects everything from leadership to designing work tools and processes. Lean is widely applied in several industries - in factories, healthcare, administration, real estate and more. Discover how you can take your Lean Manufacturing to a new level with Mevisio.
Visualization and performance control
A main principle of Lean manufacturing is to dare to highlight setbacks and issues in order to be as effective as possible. There’s a metaphor that describes the just-in-time philosophy: Lower the water in a lake and you can see the rocks under the surface.
That’s exactly what Mevisio’s digital lean boards are all about. By visualizing information in the right way both leaders and individual contributors can form an objective, informed view at a glance and address bottlenecks, production issues etc immediately.
Each Mevisio board is customized to streamline the dissemination of information and deliver customer value in a smarter way. Below we’ve specified examples of solutions we can deliver to your business. By implementing all boards you’ll gain a complete performance control system for your business.
Daily shop floor management board
One of the most common types of Lean boards is the "Daily Management" board, most often used on the shop floor. It aims to get the day-to-day operations in order by aggregating and summarizing information from each team on e.g. process status, safety and quality. With a daily shop floor management board, you get a clear overview of the most important things for the day.
Improvement board
Let teams submit proposals and escalate cards for decision-making at management levels. An improvement board visualizes the more comprehensive and long-term improvement issues in your organization. So whether you want to improve routines, processes or entire strategies the improvement board is your best friend.
Kaizen board for the management team
A Kaizen board is a form of improvement board for the management team. It gives you an overview of escalations and delegations between departments and enables you to make decisions and ensure that your business is constantly improving.
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) and A3
The PDCA cycle (or the Deming Wheel) is a well-known methodology used to plan, implement, control and introduce new improvements.
• With this board you can easily move the improvement tasks around in the PDCA cycle just as you would have done with post-it notes on a whiteboard.
• For each improvement there is also the possibility to add an A3 report for deeper root cause analysis.
Six Sigma
Visualization boards can be of great benefit in long-term Six Sigma projects. For example, a customized Six Sigma board enables you to work in-depth with the following:
• Analysis.
• Perform improvements according to the Define Measure Analyze Implement Control (DMAIC) method.
• Support your team members by visualizing everything from progress, goals, analysis results, tests, tasks, and roles.
Occupational health and safety
Visualization of accidents and incidents at the workplace can have major effects on the improvement of safety behavior of your staff.
• See incidents easily on the Safety Cross.
• Add information by attaching pictures to the report from the scene of the accident.
• Increase engagement and safety awareness.
• Share information about security risks in the workplace and engage your team in eliminating them.
5S board
Toyota's 5S have been used successfully for decades to stabilize processes and to create order and efficiency.
• Streamline and maintain the way you work with a digitized 5S board and ensure the safest workplace possible.
• Plan follow-ups and team 5S audits, and revise the various results continuously.
KPI & target management board
By highlighting key figures and KPIs in a target management board all employees can see how your business performs.
• Display both current status and history for different targets and key figures, and visualize the data in charts.
• If a goal isn’t achieved easily add it to an improvement board.
Kanban board
Using Kanban boards, also called Scrum boards, is a popular method for visualizing and streamlining processes. Divide processes into different stages and move tasks through iterative development steps. This results in a more even progress and more ongoing deliveries.
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Lean Healthcare
Daily Operation Management
Strategy Execution
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